Sorin-Traian Avram

DATA DECESULUI: 01 Noiembrie, 2010
LOCALITATE: Targu Mures, Mures
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Avram Simina-Verginia, la 02 Noiembrie, 2010
Avram Simina-Verginia
(memorial etern)
37398 vizualizari

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Aceasta pagina este locul in care familia si prietenii pot depana amintiri despre Sorin-Traian Avram. Impartaseste cu ceilalti momentele frumoase petrecute alaturi de Sorin-Traian Avram si acorda-le posibilitatea sa le retraiasca.

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It was great to hear Jose once again like you say BC, passion, fire, seiatmentnlity, love for football all wrapped up in one.He's charismatic, far too good to be out of a top job for too long and I miss him like crazy.However, you can never go back, well you can but I don't think you should.I was as shocked as anyone to hear that he still spoke to Roman and Peter Kenyon but I think that's the other side of him few see, he mentioned he spoke to them about family and such things again that's a part of him family and wanting to be loved.That's all I think he ever wanted here to be loved (he was by many fans), respected/loved by the players but also loved and wanted by the board and that's where things fell apart.However, clearly he still respects Roman and co and has a place in his heart for us fans.I will always wish him well and I truly want him to be in charge of a big club next season hell if Grant can be in charge of Chelsea it's an insult that someone like Jose is unemployed!I hope to see him back here one day but not with Chelsea I think he would want a different creative challenge.He like us should savour what he had and it will go down in history, he has to now make some more history of his own and so do we.All the best Jose, a man with fire and ice in his veins and a real passion for life that's what always enamoured me towards him his passion for everything even when it got him and us into trouble.Even if I disagree with a person what I most admire is someone with a passion and true conviction for whatever they do in life I can respect and admire that I respected and admired him and always will.He was not perfect but he was perfect for Chelsea whilst it lasted. 25

Postat de Azubehblglxcvyj din FHUqwSuNmCUZyVGUS, la data 15 August 2012
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Nu te vom uita niciodata,ramai ingerul nostru din cerurui

Postat de Vasile Nap ,omv din cluj napoca, la data 03 Noiembrie 2011
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