Grup: Pierderea unui parinte

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Pierderea unui parinte iti goleste sufletul de multe sentimente..Ai impresia ca ai cazut tu de undeva si ca nu mai are cine sa te sustina,ca esti singur intr-un desert si nu mai are cine sa te ajute,ca esti singur in bataia vintului ,ca nu mai ai nici o sustinere,ca nu mai esti tu..Nici nu-ti dai seama pina atunci cita stabilitate reprezinta in viata ta un parinte,cita liniste si sprijin,cita caldura si sinceritate,cita dragoste si intelepciune...Ai impresia ca lumea sa prabuseste si tu nu mai ai nici un rost pe acest pamint,te simti vinovat ca nu l-ai putut ajuta desi ai incercat din rasputeri...,te uiti in jur si totul plinge,sufletul tau este gol ,iar durerea sfisietoare; zilele trec greu,noptile nu poti sa mai inchizi ochii si lumina apare tot mi greu,ai impresia ca te striga,ca te roaga sa-l ajuti,dar nu te simti un om de nimic...simti ca lumea se sfirseste,ca vrei sa mori si tu...,dar atunci cind crezi ca nu mai poti cineva te ridica si-ti spune ca tatal tau si-ar dori sa puternic,sa-i poti aprinde o luminare,sa ai puterea sa plingi la mormintul sau..Atunci realizezi ca ai multe de facut pt el,pt sufletul sau si pt a-i pastra memoria vie ....
Dumnezeu ne da puter sa ne tirim ,sa plingem de durere ,sa strigam, dar NU UITAM NICIODATA,nu vom mai gasi atita bunatate nicaieri ,atita blindete si mila ,ca de la tatal nostru...

postat de simonasuga la 14 Aprilie, 2011



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Postat la 08 Martie, 2012

Once upon a time, I turned pages for Jamie when he performed the Kreutzer Sonata at a studio class. This was before I played it myself, so I was unfamiliar with the theme & variations movement. There's one particular variation which is 2 straight pages of 16th notes, and 2 repeats. I made the mistake of glancing away from the page for a second, and discovered to my horror when I looked back that I couldn't remember a) where we were, and b) whether we had done the repeats. I ended up half-standing & hovering for what seemed like an eternity, with Jamie kindly giving me subtle no shakes and finally a clear yes nod.Then there was the time that I turned for a friend playing in a vocal recital @ Scotiafest. He asked me at the last minute as a favour, so I accepted, forgetting that I was battling the remnants of a nasty cough. There's nothing like being on stage and NOT BEING ALLOWED TO COUGH that will make you want to cough up a lung. I managed to get through the entire thing without once coughing during a piece, but then had a friend in the audience comment on the odd expression on my face at various times. auto insurance rates car insurance quotes

Postat la 07 Martie, 2012

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Postat la 19 Februarie, 2012

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