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Raluca - Adina Chiricescu

DATA NASTERII: 03 Ianuarie, 1975
DATA DECESULUI: 02 Iunie, 2012
LOCALITATE: Timisoara, Timis
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Carmen Chiricescu, la 03 Iunie, 2012
(expirat la 24 Iunie 2012)
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Se intampla cu 11 ani in urma, dupa cununia noastra. Trebuia sa plec la Timisoara sa-mi sustin un proiect. Plecarea a fost programata cu masina lui Ralu...(noi nu aveam masina ). Imi aduc aminte, era incarcata de bagaje masinuta ei... Iimi doream foarte mult, sa vina si Stefan la Timisoara,... ai renuntat la unele bagaje pentru a-l putea lua si pe el. A fost un gest care a insemnat foarte mult pentru noi. Ai fost alaturi de noi in cele mai speciale momente din viata noastra . Nu te vom uita niciodata !

Postat de Stefan Si Delia Fogorosi, la data 05 Iunie 2012
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Avem asa amintiri frumoase! Locuiam impreuna in gazda in zona Torontalului si tanti Augustina a venit pe la tine. Era intr-o vineri seara si au venit doi colegi de ai tai de la Politehnica sa lucrati la un proiect. Am stat toti in bucatarie si mama ta ne-a facut pancove cu gem. Erai asa de aproape de sufletul meu, ca o sora! Apoi eu L-am cunoscut pe Domnul si ti-am impartasit din bucuria mea. Am incercat sa mergem impreuna la biserica dar de fiecare data ceva s-a ivit si nu am avut oportunitatea sa ne bucuram impreuna in prezenta Lui. Apoi eu am plecat departe si am auzit cea mai buna veste pe care o puteam primi! Ca L-ai cunoscut pe Cel ce ne-a mantuit prin jertfa Lui, ba mai mult, erai asa de aproape de El. Scumpa mea Ralu, acum esti in prezenta Lui si stiu ca El te-a primit cu bratele deschise! Nu iti spun adio ci "La revedere" pentru ca intr-o buna zi ne vom vedea!

Postat de Cosmina, la data 04 Iunie 2012
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Lord, you have prepared another place for those who love you,...for ME! A Holy City on a hill, so far away. And, when I think about that land, I can't get used to living here, where I know I will not stay. its where a crystal river flows, by streets of pure gold, mansions bright and fair, and nothing can compare, my eyes now long to see, my loved ones that are waiting for me in that land of eternity BUT FIRST, PLEASE, PLEASE. TAKE ME TO HIM, I DON'T WANT TO WAIT ANOTHER SECOND, IT IS JESUS THAT MY HEART HAS BEEN LONGING TO SEE!!!!....IT IS HIS ARMS I LONG TO RUN INTO! This is a place where hate and suffering won't be found, lamb and lion side by side lay down, and all the beauties that my eyes now is beholding, I can't imagine of all that I will see, now that I am home....BUT THERE IS NO OTHER BEAUTY THAT I WANT TO SEE NOW, EXCEPT MY PRINCE, MY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST, PLEASE. TAKE ME TO HIM! This is the place where all the saints bow down, and give up their crowns and lay them at YOUR FEET. Around Your throne of Grace, every tongue, every race, will kneel in unity WITH ME among with them. I AM RUNNING, BREATHLESS, I AM RUNNING PAST THE ANGELS, PAST ALL THE BEAUTY UNSPEAKABLE BEAUTY AND MARVEL, I AM RUNNING TOWARDS MY DESIRE. HE IS JESUS, I WILL BOW AT HIS FEET among the ones around His throne! A celebration reigns, giving praise to the KING, and all the angels sing,' " HOLLY, HOOOOLLLLYYYYYY, YOU ARE GOD ENTHRONED!"praise go on and on, "YOU reign in POWER and MAJESTY"...and NOW, NOW I CAN RUN TO YOU...NOW I CAN SEE YOU CLEAR, FACE TO FACE, I AM RUNNING INTO YOUR WIDE OPENED ARMS, I SEE, JESUS YOU ARE WAITING FOR ME! I AM SEEING YOUR FACE, WOW, YOUR MAJESTIC, GLORIOUS, EYES, THEY ARE FULL OF LOVE FOR ME! I AM RUNNING WITH ALL THAT I CAN AND FINALLY, YOUR OPENED ARMS CAPTURED ME IN THEIR EMBRACE. AAAA, SO MUCH PEACE, SO MUCH LOVE, I FEEL SO AT REST HERE IN YOUR ARMS, AS MY TEARS OF JOY ARE STREAMING DOWN,...I AM HOME, JESUS, I AM FINALLY HOME, WHERE I WILL WORSHIP YOU FOR ETERNITY WITH ALL CREATION! I AM HOME...HOME AT LAST!!!!! AM AJUNS ACASA IN BRATELE LUI ISUS, DOMNUL SI MINTUITORUL MEU!

Postat de Corina Pataki din Nashville, TN - USA, la data 03 Iunie 2012
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One of the most AMAZING, powerful, faithful, remarkable, loving, strong and beautiful woman of God, my sweet friend and sister, Raluca, has gone home to be with the one that she loved, served, worshiped, desired and adored THE MOST, JESUS on Saturday evening, June 2, 2012. It was an honor for me to have been able to call you close friend! I have learned so much from you, Raluca, your faith in Jesus, your love for Him, the way you fought and remained STANDING in the face of pain and never wavered off HIS word and your love and faith in Him remained steadfast till the end!!!! I will miss you more than words can say, but I know that you are now in the arms of the one your heart loved most, your Prince, Savior, Healer, Jesus Christ and your Heavenly Daddy. Raluca, I love you so much, and I will miss you greatly, till we see each other again, you are in my heart!!!!

Postat de Corina Pataki din Nashville, TN - USA, la data 03 Iunie 2012
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Raluca, I remember the first time we meat when I come to visit Romania in 2006. We become very close friends and we knew that it was a God connection! There are so many wonderful memories of our time together! Than, when in 2009, you come to the US, and you come to visit us. I remember taking you to TJMax and Ross, we had so much fun shopping for you, new clothes for a new season! We went to Opry Mills and you were so amazed at all the Christmas lights! Remember us drinking the sturbucks coffee in the hotel! I remember when I told Steve and I were expecting a baby, and you were so excited for us and you told me that it would be a little princess si ca va fi o inchinatoare pentru Isus! YOU WERE RIGHT!!! I remember our conversations that we have had along the years and I remember seeing the faith in Jesus that you had and walked in so strong, and the warrior spirit you carried! I learned a lot from the unwavering faith in Jesus you walked in draga mea Raluca! I love you so much, Raluca and I know that you are now in the arms of the one you loved and desired the MOST, Jesus Christ and your heavenly Daddy! I will never forget you and I await the day when we will see each other again, and till than, you WILL always be in my heart and memories. I will miss you more than words can say, Raluca!

Postat de Corina Pataki din Nashville, TN - USA, la data 03 Iunie 2012

O draga Raluca,iti scriu ca stiu ca tu esti in locul cel mai minunat,alaturi de domnul,dar cand am aflat ma tot gandesc de ce a vrut Dumnezeu sa te ia cand ai fost de atata ajutor aici pe pamant.Te-am iubit intotdeauna si mi-ai fost tare draga,m-ai invatat multe.Imi amintesc cand veneai la baraj si eu trebuia sa plec in italia impreuna cu loris si cum ma invatai sa ma rog pt el,cum sa ma comport cu el ,si am mers in innot amandoua in mijlocul barajului si ne rugam,stateam ca doua lebede pe apa si ne povesteam despre minunile si experientele placute pe care le-am avut cu Domnul.Anii au trecut,sunt 8 ani de cand nu ne-am mai vazut,dar numele tau il auzeam in fiecare an de la mami,cand povesteam cu ea imi spunea mult de tine cum o invatai sa se roage si cum ii spuneai despre isus,o intareai mult in credinta si sa vazut ca scopul tau pe pamant era acesta;sa vorbesti oamenilor de Dumnezeu.Ai fost o binecuvantare pt toti din jurul stiut cand sa mangai pe cineva,cand sa intaresti in credinta,cand sa ridici pe cel cazut,ai fost un bun exemplu pt toti.Ciao Raluca,la revedere Raluca,ne vom revedea impreuna cu Domnul Isus....

Postat de LUMINITA DRAGOI(MARGESCU) la 05 Iunie 2012
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